Your company and customers don’t have time to waste on muddling through the complex oversized/overweight (OSOW) permitting process. You have a job to do and a deadline to meet, and while you’re great ...
Trucking is a vital industry. Companies like yours keep the world moving. Without your assistance, food wouldn’t make it to dinner tables, drinking water would stop flowing, housing development would ...
Not only is truck driving an enjoyable career — because you get to enjoy your freedom and explore the country — but truck driving can be an extremely lucrative career. In fact, as of Dec 31, 2024, ...
As a truck driver, you know that the time you spend at a shipper’s pick-up point is key to positioning the rest of your trip for success. Without thorough preparation, a domino effect of safety ...
According to a May 31, 2024 snapshot of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA’s) carrier registration statistics, there are more than two million trucking companies in the U.S.
In today's dynamic transportation landscape, where efficiency and cost-effectiveness are paramount, load board apps have revolutionized the way shippers, brokers, and carriers connect. Hosted online, ...
Safety on the road is a big deal for everyone — from truck drivers and mini-van drivers to bicyclists and pedestrians. But for truck drivers, it goes one step further. As the biggest vehicle on the ...
Technology is intertwined with your personal life. Cell phones, computers, tablets, smartwatches and televisions have been jostling for your attention off the clock for more than a decade. On the ...
The holidays are a joyous time of year, but they can be extra stressful if you aren’t prepared. That goes for everyone — whether you’re a company driver, an owner-operator running under your ...