Shannon Templin

As a talent acquisition specialist — a position he's held since 2016 — Shannon works, alongside colleagues, to connect job candidates with their best-fit position within ATS. In his role, Shannon enjoys assisting each new candidate toward their career goals and does everything in his power to set each candidate up for long-term professional success.
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Recent Posts

How to Decline a Job Offer (with Examples)

Posted by Shannon Templin on Jul 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

The job hunt is never easy. Actually, it’s usually stressful, tedious and overwhelming. 

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How to Present Yourself as a Candidate with High Growth Potential (6 Tips)

Posted by Shannon Templin on Mar 12, 2024 3:50:07 PM

Tell me you want to be a leader without telling me you want to be a leader.

If you were given this prompt before an interview, what would you do? How would you act? What behaviors would you avoid or embrace?..

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Can AI Write My Resume? [The Pros and Cons of Using AI]

Posted by Shannon Templin on Dec 18, 2023 10:00:00 AM

How do you write the perfect resume? 

Tailor the content to match the specific job description and emphasize achievements and experiences that align with the role you're applying for. Remember to keep it..

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Is My Corporate Recruiter Lying? 7 Signs of Transparency

Posted by Shannon Templin on Dec 5, 2023 1:36:05 PM

Are you interviewing for a new position? Congratulations to you!

Aside from the website, the corporate recruiter is your first touchpoint with the company. They represent the company and can set the tone for..

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How to Write a Letter of Resignation [Plus Examples]

Posted by Shannon Templin on Aug 2, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Is it time to resign from your corporate job? 

It’s certainly not a fun process. You might be excited to leave your current company and overjoyed to start a new job. Or, you might be sad to be leaving your..

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Should I Put My GPA on My Resume? [Examples of When You Should/Shouldn’t]

Posted by Shannon Templin on Jul 12, 2023 12:20:36 PM

What’s the rule for putting your GPA on your resume? Should you? Shouldn’t you? 

If a hiring manager is scanning through resumes and sees a 2.0 GPA versus a 4.0 GPA, will they choose to interview the candidate..

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Job Fair Do’s and Don’ts [For Job Seekers and Students]

Posted by Shannon Templin on Jun 5, 2023 11:26:07 AM

A job fair, also known as a career fair or a recruitment fair, is an event where employers and job seekers come together to interact and explore employment opportunities. It’s typically organized by..

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Pros and Cons of Working in an Open-Office Environment

Posted by Shannon Templin on Feb 24, 2023 10:22:12 AM

There’s so much more to picking a place to work beyond the job at hand. The job, obviously, plays the biggest part, but you also need to consider what the company’s values are, the culture at the location..

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College Internships: 5 Reasons Why They’re Important

Posted by Shannon Templin on Feb 6, 2023 10:00:00 AM

College isn’t easy. It takes dedication to earn any degree. Whether it’s four years at a business school or two years in a technical program, higher education is earned through hard work and late nights.

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Pros and Cons of Working in a Cubicle Environment

Posted by Shannon Templin on Feb 3, 2023 11:45:50 AM

As you explore career opportunities, you might be faced with a decision between a few different types of work environments. While some businesses are still allowing employees to work from home, many are..

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